.. _configuration: Configuration ============= The caches module allows to setup cache configurations and then use them either using an alias or retrieving the config explicitly. To set the config, call ``caches.set_config``: .. automethod:: aiocache.caches.set_config To retrieve a copy of the current config, you can use ``caches.get_config`` or ``caches.get_alias_config`` for an alias config. Next snippet shows an example usage: .. literalinclude:: ../examples/cached_alias_config.py :language: python :linenos: :emphasize-lines: 6-26 When you do ``caches.get('alias_name')``, the cache instance is built lazily the first time. Next accesses will return the **same** instance. If instead of reusing the same instance, you need a new one every time, use ``caches.create('alias_name')``. One of the advantages of ``caches.create`` is that it accepts extra args that then are passed to the cache constructor. This way you can override args like namespace, endpoint, etc. .. automethod:: aiocache.caches.add .. automethod:: aiocache.caches.get .. automethod:: aiocache.caches.create