Source code for aiocache.decorators

import inspect
import functools

from aiocache.log import logger
from aiocache import SimpleMemoryCache, caches
from aiocache.serializers import JsonSerializer

[docs]class cached: """ Caches the functions return value into a key generated with module_name, function_name and args. In some cases you will need to send more args to configure the cache object. An example would be endpoint and port for the RedisCache. You can send those args as kwargs and they will be propagated accordingly. Only one cache instance is created per decorated call. If you expect high concurrency of calls to the same function, you should adapt the pool size as needed. :param ttl: int seconds to store the function call. Default is None which means no expiration. :param key: str value to set as key for the function return. Takes precedence over key_from_attr param. If key and key_from_attr are not passed, it will use module_name + function_name + args + kwargs :param key_builder: Callable that allows to build the function dynamically. It receives same args and kwargs as the called function. :param cache: cache class to use when calling the ``set``/``get`` operations. Default is ``aiocache.SimpleMemoryCache``. :param serializer: serializer instance to use when calling the ``dumps``/``loads``. Default is JsonSerializer. :param plugins: list plugins to use when calling the cmd hooks Default is pulled from the cache class being used. :param alias: str specifying the alias to load the config from. If alias is passed, other config parameters are ignored. New cache is created every time. :param noself: bool if you are decorating a class function, by default self is also used to generate the key. This will result in same function calls done by different class instances to use different cache keys. Use noself=True if you want to ignore it. """ def __init__( self, ttl=None, key=None, key_from_attr=None, key_builder=None, cache=SimpleMemoryCache, serializer=JsonSerializer, plugins=None, alias=None, noself=False, **kwargs): self.ttl = ttl self.key = key if key_from_attr is not None: logger.warning("'key_from_attr' is deprecated, please use 'key_builder' instead") self.key_from_attr = key_from_attr self.key_builder = key_builder self.noself = noself self.alias = alias self.cache = None self._cache = cache self._serializer = serializer self._plugins = plugins self._kwargs = kwargs def __call__(self, f): if self.alias: self.cache = caches.create(self.alias) else: self.cache = _get_cache( cache=self._cache, serializer=self._serializer, plugins=self._plugins, **self._kwargs) @functools.wraps(f) async def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): return await self.decorator(f, *args, **kwargs) return wrapper async def decorator(self, f, *args, **kwargs): key = self.get_cache_key(f, args, kwargs) value = await self.get_from_cache(key) if value is not None: return value result = await f(*args, **kwargs) await self.set_in_cache(key, result) return result def get_cache_key(self, f, args, kwargs): if self.key: return self.key args_dict = _get_args_dict(f, args, kwargs) cache_key = args_dict.get( self.key_from_attr, self._key_from_args(f, args, kwargs)) return cache_key def _key_from_args(self, func, args, kwargs): if self.key_builder is None: ordered_kwargs = sorted(kwargs.items()) return (func.__module__ or '') + func.__name__ + str( args[1:] if self.noself else args) + str(ordered_kwargs) return self.key_builder(*args, **kwargs) async def get_from_cache(self, key): try: value = await self.cache.get(key) return value except Exception: logger.exception("Couldn't retrieve %s, unexpected error", key) async def set_in_cache(self, key, value): try: await self.cache.set(key, value, ttl=self.ttl) except Exception: logger.exception("Couldn't set %s in key %s, unexpected error", value, key)
class cached_stampede(cached): """ Caches the functions return value into a key generated with module_name, function_name and args while avoids for cache stampede effects. In some cases you will need to send more args to configure the cache object. An example would be endpoint and port for the RedisCache. You can send those args as kwargs and they will be propagated accordingly. Only one cache instance is created per decorated function. If you expect high concurrency of calls to the same function, you should adapt the pool size as needed. :param lease: int seconds to lock function call to avoid cache stampede effects. If 0 or None, no locking happens (default is 2). redis and memory backends support float ttls :param ttl: int seconds to store the function call. Default is None which means no expiration. :param key: str value to set as key for the function return. Takes precedence over key_from_attr param. If key and key_from_attr are not passed, it will use module_name + function_name + args + kwargs :param key_from_attr: str arg or kwarg name from the function to use as a key. :param cache: cache class to use when calling the ``set``/``get`` operations. Default is ``aiocache.SimpleMemoryCache``. :param serializer: serializer instance to use when calling the ``dumps``/``loads``. Default is JsonSerializer. :param plugins: list plugins to use when calling the cmd hooks Default is pulled from the cache class being used. :param alias: str specifying the alias to load the config from. If alias is passed, other config parameters are ignored. New cache is created every time. :param noself: bool if you are decorating a class function, by default self is also used to generate the key. This will result in same function calls done by different class instances to use different cache keys. Use noself=True if you want to ignore it. """ def __init__( self, lease=2, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) = lease async def decorator(self, f, *args, **kwargs): key = self.get_cache_key(f, args, kwargs) value = await self.get_from_cache(key) if value is not None: return value async with self.cache._redlock(key, value = await self.get_from_cache(key) if value is not None: return value result = await f(*args, **kwargs) await self.set_in_cache(key, result) return result def _get_cache( cache=SimpleMemoryCache, serializer=None, plugins=None, **cache_kwargs): return cache(serializer=serializer, plugins=plugins, **cache_kwargs) def _get_args_dict(func, args, kwargs): defaults = { arg_name: arg.default for arg_name, arg in inspect.signature(func).parameters.items() if arg.default is not inspect._empty } args_names = func.__code__.co_varnames[:func.__code__.co_argcount] return {**defaults, **dict(zip(args_names, args)), **kwargs}
[docs]class multi_cached: """ Only supports functions that return dict-like structures. This decorator caches each key/value of the dict-like object returned by the function. If key_builder is passed, before storing the key, it will be transformed according to the output of the function. If the attribute specified to be the key is an empty list, the cache will be ignored and the function will be called as expected. Only one cache instance is created per decorated function. If you expect high concurrency of calls to the same function, you should adapt the pool size as needed. :param keys_from_attr: arg or kwarg name from the function containing an iterable to use as keys to index in the cache. :param key_builder: Callable that allows to change the format of the keys before storing. Receives the key and same args and kwargs as the called function. :param ttl: int seconds to store the keys. Default is 0 which means no expiration. :param cache: cache class to use when calling the ``multi_set``/``multi_get`` operations. Default is ``aiocache.SimpleMemoryCache``. :param serializer: serializer instance to use when calling the ``dumps``/``loads``. Default is JsonSerializer. :param plugins: plugins to use when calling the cmd hooks Default is pulled from the cache class being used. :param alias: str specifying the alias to load the config from. If alias is passed, other config parameters are ignored. New cache is created every time. """ def __init__( self, keys_from_attr, key_builder=None, ttl=0, cache=SimpleMemoryCache, serializer=JsonSerializer, plugins=None, alias=None, **kwargs): self.keys_from_attr = keys_from_attr self.key_builder = key_builder or (lambda key, *args, **kwargs: key) self.ttl = ttl self.alias = alias self.cache = None self._cache = cache self._serializer = serializer self._plugins = plugins self._kwargs = kwargs def __call__(self, f): if self.alias: self.cache = caches.create(self.alias) else: self.cache = _get_cache( cache=self._cache, serializer=self._serializer, plugins=self._plugins, **self._kwargs) @functools.wraps(f) async def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): return await self.decorator(f, *args, **kwargs) return wrapper async def decorator(self, f, *args, **kwargs): missing_keys = [] partial = {} keys = self.get_cache_keys(f, args, kwargs) values = await self.get_from_cache(*keys) for key, value in zip(keys, values): if value is None: missing_keys.append(key) else: partial[key] = value kwargs[self.keys_from_attr] = missing_keys if values and None not in values: return partial result = await f(*args, **kwargs) result.update(partial) await self.set_in_cache(result, args, kwargs) return result def get_cache_keys(self, f, args, kwargs): args_dict = _get_args_dict(f, args, kwargs) keys = args_dict[self.keys_from_attr] or [] return [self.key_builder(key, *args, **kwargs) for key in keys] async def get_from_cache(self, *keys): if not keys: return [] try: values = await self.cache.multi_get(keys) return values except Exception: logger.exception("Couldn't retrieve %s, unexpected error", keys) return [None] * len(keys) async def set_in_cache(self, result, fn_args, fn_kwargs): try: await self.cache.multi_set( [(self.key_builder(k, *fn_args, **fn_kwargs), v) for k, v in result.items()], ttl=self.ttl) except Exception: logger.exception("Couldn't set %s, unexpected error", result)